The beauty and intensity of moose hunting

Six days in the backcountry of Newfoundland, alongside my dear friend Wes, brought me face-to-face with the beauty and intensity of moose hunting. We covered countless miles, calling moose, spotting them in the distance, and enduring every kind of weather nature could throw at us—wind, rain, hail, and the occasional glimpse of sunshine. It was a physical and mental test, a place where some people’s version of “uncomfortable” actually provides me comfort, surrounded by some of the most stunning landscapes I’ve ever seen.

Many people have told me, “Never pass up a moose on day one that you wish you had on the last day.” Those words echoed in my mind as I chose to pass on a bull on the morning of day two, not because it wasn’t worthy, but because I wasn’t ready for the experience to end. I wanted more time out there to learn, more miles, and more moments to soak in the wild beauty of Newfoundland. Not once over the next four days, no matter how trying the weather became, did I regret not taking that shot. By staying true to what felt right and trusting my instincts, I was ultimately rewarded. On the final morning, I encountered the same bull I had passed up on day two, and I knew the second I saw it that it was time to take the shot. It felt like the hunt had come full circle.

This moose, to me, represents more than just a successful hunt—it symbolizes the deep, primal connection to the land and the understanding of where my food comes from. It represents the importance of trusting timing- that sometimes we think something is meant for us, but we need to wait and trust that the right moment will reveal itself. From start to finish, I wanted to experience it all. I wasn’t hunting for a “trophy” moose, I was hunting for a trophy experience and for meat. This hunt symbolized just that. Harvesting this moose was one of the most meaningful experiences I’ve had. I know hunting is not for everyone, and that’s okay, but hunting is for me. It’s about being intentional, thoughtful in every decision, and aware of my actions. Ultimately, it’s how I choose to fuel my body.


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