Coach and Release: Fly Fusion Magazine

There are those days out on the water when you just know you're going to catch what you came for. It's the same feeling I had on some race days as a cyclist-lining up my bike, anticipating that starter's gun, and knowing, without a shadow of a doubt, that the race was mine to win. 

That certainty was as physically palpable as the ocean and the boat and my guide for the week: Eddie, who stood beside me now as I embarked on my fourth day of fishing off Turneffe Island Resort in Belize. I was chasing down the elusive "Grand Slam"-hooking a permit, a bonefish, and a tarpon all in the same 24-hour period - and I knew, with a feeling I couldn't shake, that I would do just that.


The beauty and intensity of moose hunting


El Encuentro Lodge, Argentina